Friday, June 02, 2006

for newspaper

Reform, rehabilitation, positive change. Aren’t these the goals of the federal bureau of prisons? But proven by the execution of Stanley “Tookie” Williams on December 13, 2005, all of this is just something to add to the long list of lies that America has been feeding us for countless years. There was no denying the complete change that “Tookie” has accomplished. He co-founded the nationally known Crips gang in 1971. But in recent years he has written nine children’s books to educate young people and initiated the Tookie peace protocol, an international peer mentoring program. He also wrote letters to incarcerated youth, mentored over the phone and through visits to stop people from making the same choices he did. But all of this either went unnoticed or purposefully pushed aside by the powers that be. In this case the terminator. What a fitting name for his role in this situation. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was the only person who could grant Stanley clemency. Clemency is a request for mercy, not to impose the death penalty, but instead life without parole. For whatever reasons governor Schwarzenegger chose not to intervene. I believe with this execution, they were trying to set an example. But what kind of message are they trying to send? No matter what you do you will still be a pawn in the system, so know your role. Because of their own ignorance, some people are tired of hearing about the true issues of class and race so I won’t even go into them. Despite them being the most influential factors of this problem. However these are basic human rights being tossed aside and stepped on. In 1981 he was convicted of murdering four people during two robberies. Even though proclaiming his innocence, all of the witnesses facing felony charges of their own, and no physical evidence pointed toward him. He was still found guilty by a jury of his “peers”. This by the way only consisted of two minorities, neither black. After his tremendous work for the betterment of the urban community, and his obvious transformation, why his case couldn’t be reviewed and he be sentenced to life in jail. I mean the man received the presidential call to service award in 2005 and was a five time Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Five time! At this point was the death penalty really necessary, is my big question. I’m out stating my opinion on the death penalty, I just believe in this situation it was the wrong decision. Life would be punishment enough. Jail is not fun, no one wants to be there. He would still be paying with his life, but still contributing positively to society as he was doing. He could have been used as a resource to why people join gangs and help create more prevention programs. Unfortunately instead of the lives that he supposedly took another has been taken.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Voices in the Hall
Expressing Yourself

Marty Wilke
1. What two articles of clothing that you’re wearing right now express your style the most?
My shoes because I’m emo and I have emo shoes and my hair because I wouldn’t be me without my hair.
2. What do you do in your free time that you feel really expresses you?
Listen to music, play guitar, and pretend I can skateboard.
3. Are there any ways that you express or celebrate your heritage?
I eat spaghetti because I’m Italian.

Caitlyn Rutski
1. What two articles of clothing that you’re wearing right now express your style the most?
My skirt because it looks cute and I like how it fits and my flip flops because I like to “skate” in the hall and they’re comfortable.
2. What do you do in your free time that you feel really expresses you?
Listen to music, sing, ands play my guitar.
3. Are there any ways that you express or celebrate your heritage?
I eat Borsch on Easter. It’s a polish soup.

Sam Sullivan
1. What two articles of clothing that you’re wearing right now express your style the most?
My sweatshirt because it’s from 6 flags and I used to work there and my purse because it’s fun, colorful, and wild.
2. What do you do in your free time that you feel really expresses you?
I stay busy because I hate to be bored. I have 2 jobs, in band and on year book.
3. Are there any ways that you express or celebrate your heritage?
I’m a mutt. My family doesn’t really celebrate culture, we celebrate family traditions.

April Nader
1. What two articles of clothing that you’re wearing right now express your style the most?
My shirt because it has a cat on it and I love cats and a snowflake because we live in buffalo and my necklace because my dad got it for me and it says April on it.
2. What do you do in your free time that you feel really expresses you?
I play on swings and ride bikes.
3. Are there any ways that you express or celebrate your heritage?
I eat pierogi on Christmas.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

For Start magazine

What’s in A,
By Tifani Milewski

When I was younger I hated my name. It’s a name with such…I don’t know such…implications.

I do not look like a Tifani.

A Tiffani.
A Tifany.
A Tiffany.
You have to know what I mean right? It’s a name so sugary sweet it practically curls upon the page: Tifani, Tiffani. Tifany Tiffany.

It’s cotton candy. Its marshmallow fluff. It’s the name of a doll, a princess.

A stripper.

No offense to all you other “Tiffany’s”. Let’s use the “original” spelling here (or the only one that came up right on spell check) who have tried to work past the name. To be something more then sparkles and fluff with just a dash of rainbows.

I could never complain to my Mother (Just my mother. According to my father he wanted to name me either Helena or Shannon….Do I look like a Helena?) Apparently she’d loved the name had it picked out since she was six years old (cue the AWWWWWWW, right?) and she could not be fazed could never see my horror at being given such a sweet name.

Maybe if I had ended up a super model, trophy wife, or ballerina…but what world famous authors/doctor’s/actresses (I’ve wanted to be many thing’s in life) are named Tiffany? Huh? Name one and for those of you who have seen Saved by the Bell don’t you dare bring up Ms. Theissen. She doesn’t count.

Point made. Right?
I was too smart to be a “Tiffany”.
Too independent.
Too dignified.
(And again this is just me being a little full of myself. No offense to all you other Tiffany’s.)

And my mother could never see that (will never see that) because she has to LOVE the name so much, since she was six years old.

“Tiffany’s” is the name of a jewelry store in an Audrey Hepburn movie.
“Tiffany” is not…I am NOT a Tiffany!!!!!

You see my point right?


Shut up! I am not making a big deal out of this. You try walking around with a name that could induce cavities and pretty much predestines a love of the color pink (and I don’t hate pink…I tried for so long!) and then you have earned the right to complain to me.




So anyway you’ve probably noticed that I’m saying this all in the past tense right?

Meaning I’m over my past….issues…with what my mother choose to call me out of the BILLIONS of other….anyway I’m over it, I’m over it, it’s not so bad and she meant well giving me a tiny piece of individuality among all the strippers and cheerleaders (Again no offense…don’t hate me!). Out of the fifteen or so other “Tiffany’s” I’ve met in my lifetime I’m the only one with one “F” and one “I” so that’s something. Right? Right.

And I like many others am working on reclaiming the name, making it my own, adding a little less sugar, and a little more buy my books and worship me.

Oh yes one day I will rule the world.

And there you have it.

And all this…this “mess”.

Is nothing compared to my middle name.


Mother! That is not how you spell Danielle!

Robert Long Owes Mr. Cercone a USB Flash Drive

Punk, defined as, a young person, especially a member of a rebellious counterculture group, a punk rocker. “Punk, we didn’t call our self that, that’s the name the headlines gave us, because we of our wild culture.” As stated by Iggy pop in the film “History of rock and roll: Punk.”
Since punk originated in the mid 1970s the United States and the UK. It has under gone many divisions into smaller sub cultures from its already complex diverse culture. “Punk rock is what started it all” say some punks. While Iggy pop did say the head lines gave them the name punk others claim that it was coined by the band Suicide when the played a gig titled “a punk music mass.” The production and consumption of punk culture is an idea shared by most punks, its how punk scenes are generated. The main ideology of punk is a belief is one should maximize freedom and make the most out of a traditional restricted life style.
Punk in politics, when it comes to punks in politics the different sub cultures possess many different ideas. Some sub cultures stress the trend of anarchism, anti authority, anti racism, anti- capitalism, and anti-nationalism. A modern day punk band named Anti-flag believes in all of these. Others stress environmentalism, vegetarianism, veganism, and animal rights.
The punk fashion… High theatrical use of clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, body modification, and jewelry. Hair is worn in spikes or cut to a Mohawk or unnatural shapes and colored with vibrant hues. Clothes might be written on with marker and defaced with paint; shirts are ripped and held together by safety pins. Also tight pants and converse. Some jewelry may consist of safety pins and or other sharp objects.
There are many sub cultures within punk. Some of them are Nazi-punk, death rock punk, hardcore punk, skate punk, crust punk, street punk, conservative punk, anarchy punk, Christian punk, queer core, and riot grrl.

Monday, April 24, 2006


It was the last day before Easter break, it was 8th period study hall. kim was sitting with the groups of her closest friends. Just like how it always has been since the beginning of the year. Stephanie, Mary and her best friend Sam, Kim's good friends. They were all talking about what they were going to do over break.
Stephanie is the type of girl how she has her parents waiting on her because she is the only child. So in some cases thinks that things revolve around her. She is tall, with long brown hair and brown eyes to match. She is a very out going person and doesn't care about what she says.
Stephanie- My family and I are going to Florida and staying with my grandparents. Oh my god it is always fun. We always go shopping, but that's a given. My grandparents are very wealthy my grandpa had his own business, a family restaurant. He made lots of money and made even more when he sold it. The food they make is so good. So the best part I would say is the great cooking and the shopping.
Mary is a very pretty girl. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Out of everyone in the group she is the slowest. The girls love to play jokes on her, because she of course will fall for them. But she is a very caring, unselfish person.
Mary- I wish I could go to Florida too, especially to meet your grandparents, Stephanie. But where my family and I are going is to North Carolina. We go there every year and stay at my aunt Jill and uncle Bill's house. Well most of my family lives down there. So we have a large family picnic. It is always so much fun. Play games and always have the annual family volleyball tourney. Each family has 3 people on the team and it is always me, my dorky brother tom, and my dad. I think we have only one once but it is always fun.
Stephanie-wow you are actually coordinated enough to play volleyball, I thought you'd be the goofy mascot (and they all laugh).
Mary- Shut up Sheph!
Sam is Kim's best friend they talk all day everyday. Sam is exactly like Kim except her hair is long and black and she has brown eyes. She is medium height, skinny. Out of all the girls she has the jealous boyfriend named Brandon. They almost always argue about everything and yet there have been together on and off for 1 year.
Sam- well my parents are staying home for break. This is the first time ever because my dad is getting surgery on his foot so it heals better. But me on the other hand I am going to spend my break Mexico with Brandon.
But almost immediately they say you already know what is going to happen. You guys are going to fight so you would be better off breaking up with him and staying home with your family.
Sam- well so what if we fight, I mean we have lasted for 1 year so obviously there must be more than just fighting.
Kim- well we think that it isn't worth the aggravation to go throughout all that fighting.
Sam is getting sort of pissed and doesn't say anything for a minute, and then
Sam-well can I continue now that you guys said what you needed to say. Well we are going to Mexico, her tone is aggravated like she is trying to show up her friends because she has a boyfriend. And we are going with is Mother and Father. I bet that Brandon will do something sweet, like dinner on the beach kind of thing.
Group- they laugh but in a good way
Sam- well that would be so sweet for our 1 year ann.
Stephanie- yea but not with that asshole and (she laughs)
Sam- asshole? he isn't a asshole, he is very nice and sweet even though we have our heated fights.
Kim intervenes and wants to tell what she is doing over the break. Kim has blonde hair and blue eyes like Mary. She is very smart and loves to have fun. She is athletic body type, medium height, smaller than Stephanie. She plays softball for school and loves to walk her golden retriever Max. Out of everyone in the group she is the person you go to with a problem, because she loves to help and keeps it between you and her.
Kim- well my parents and I including my bro Todd are staying home. Because we always leave the house all the time and thought it would be nice to relax. But I'm sure there are going to be a lot of parties that people are going to throw. So I guess it wont be all that bad.
Sam- yea Tim is throwing a party at his house tomorrow cause his parents are leaving for Colorado to visit there oldest son Jake.
Steph- yea I heard about that he is inviting everyone that isn't leaving for vacation.
Mary-wait what, she is to busy looking out the window at the birds sitting on one of the branches.
Steph- doesn't surprise me that you don't know what's going on, your so blonde
Mary- eww well.......So, shut up steph
Sam,Steph,Kim-laugh because Mary seemed like she might have been trying to think of a come back to steph but got lost amongst the birds sitting on the branch in head.
Kim- guys stop picking on her, and she smiles. Well I might actually just go to that party tomorrow, because I don't think I will be doing anything as it is.
The bell rings and they all say goodbye and give each other hugs and wish that their vacations be fun and safe.
Kim and Sam go to kim's locker and then head out the double doors to the parking lot, where kim parked her car they get in for the 5 minute drive to drop Sam off at home they do there goodbyes again. Sam gets out and goes into the house.
Kim gets home and sees her dad washing the forest green Avalanche. Her father says hi and asked her how her day was
Kim- fine dad how was yours
Dad- Mine was pretty good
Dad- what are you doing tonight?
Kim- ummm, nothing. but tomorrow is it ok if I go to a party.
Dad- where and whos house?
Kim- Tim, you know tim her lives a couple streets away
Dad- oh ok, well as long as you don't drive home drunk.
Kim- Dad you know I know better!
Dad- I know but I am the parent.
Max is chewing his bone until he see's Kim coming up the walkway. Max gets up jolts towards Kim and runs around her a few times and licks her hands. She wipes the drool off on her leg.Todd is just walking out the door as Max and Kim were walking in.
Kim- where are you going?
Todd- staying at my friend Dan's house.
Her mom was making a casorol, Kim went by and smelled it and already knew that it was a casorol, I hate this. We should go out to eat. She tries really hard to convience her to go out to eat. But her mom tells her I made a casorol, Kim ughh at the thought that they had to eat that.
Kim- well I am going upstairs to listen to music and possible fall asleep.
Mom- ok I will call you when dinner is ready.
Kim- thats what I am afraid of!
Mom- oh shut up it isn't all that bad
Max is laying down and after Kims mom says that he barks
Kim- said see he agrees
Her mom grabs Max's face sort of like what you do to a really cute little kid. And she says
Mom- oh Max loves mom's cooking doesn't he!
Max then pulls his face away and runs outside.
Kim is upstairs laying on her bed listening to Fall Out Boy and slowly passes out. About 45 minutes later Her mom calls for her to eat dinner. Kim gets up and heads down the hallway and down the stairs into the kitchen and to the dining room where the casorol is wating.
Kim sits and waits for the casorol to be passed out to everyone. Max is under the table, Kim gets her piece and takes a little bit at a time and gives it to max. Until her mom catches her then she has to eat what's left.
She then goes up stairs after doing dishes and saying good night to her parents, and goes to bed and sleeps. Max jumps on the edge of the bed and falls asleep as well.
It's morning the day of Tims party. She goes down stairs and grabs a bowl spoon and a box of Lucky Charms and the milk. She is sitting at the table in which her Dad and Mom are sitting, reading there favorite parts of the paper. She watches t.v. for a while . She then heads up stairs and gets ready, comes down and looks at the clock. The party was at 9:00 and it was 7:30 so she takes Max for a walk and wonders how her friends vacations are going. By the time she gets back home it is 8:45. Kim says goodbye to her parents kissed her dad and says she loves them and she would be back soon. They said that they are going out so they will put the key under the mat. She heads out the down and to Tims house. She arrives and after about an hour and half starts playin pong and funnels a hefty amount of beers, before she she decides to leave. As she walks out the door.
Tim- Hey where are you going?
Kim- home
Tim- I'll give you a ride.
Kim- No thats ok you drank just as much as I did and judging by the way you are walking you drunk (slurring most of what she is saying)
Tim- hey I am not drunk I am giving you a ride whether you like it or not, so get in.
The drive was good and he didn't hit anything and kim was singing along to the radio. Tim smiled and looked at her, when he looked in front he drove through the red light of him he hit a car. The red dodge Stratus that Tim and Kim were in collided with a Forest green Avalanche. The front of the Red car hit the driver side door. Unfortunaltly the driver was her father who died before the ambulance even came, her mom had with a few bumps and bruises and a broken arm, but was so upset about her husband. Tim had a few cuts and brusies and was arressted for driving intoxicated. But Kim not only had cuts and bruises but lost her father and a night that she would problably never forget.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


This will be a place for you to post your stories and respond to other stories from students in our class. Please be sure to use language and subject matter appropriate for a school setting.

I am asking that you visit the blog and post a story once a week. you should also respond to someone's stories each week as well. The more you participate in this online community the more you are demonstrating class participation. Feel free to check in and discuss something every day.

If you have any problems or concerns please let me know.

Mr. Cercone